10 Best Cheeses for Your Next Charcuterie Board

10 Best Cheeses for Your Next Charcuterie Board

charcuterieTaylor Markarian
(Photo Credit: The Farmhouse Project) To make an epic charcuterie board, the best cheeses have to be selected. It’s not just how delicious each che...
Charcuterie Board Platter Filled With Meats Cheeses and Olives

How To Build the Perfect Charcuterie Board

appetizersSarah Bichsel
Share this Image On Your Site<p><strong>Please include attribution to supermarketitaly.com with this graphic.</strong></p><p><a href='https://www.supermarketitaly.com/smitaly-blog/how-to-build-the-perfect-charcuterie-board/'><img src='https://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/server3200/02iihx4/product_images/uploaded_images/5956c7f4-b607-11e8-af20-56022aa3035c.jpg?t=1537220785' alt='How To Build the Perfect Charcuterie' 540px border='0' /></a></p><p> At your next dinner party, stimulate l’appetito with an Italian-inspired appetizer plate. 1. First, choose your meats: Include a variety of flavors and textures like spicy salami, paper-thin  Mortadella, and ultra gourmet Speck. For tasty bread or cracker toppings, [...]