Shipping and Returns
All of our products are shipped directly from our warehouse in New Jersey using USPS and/or FedEx. If you have two different addresses for each carrier please put both addresses in "Address Lines 1 & 2".
Any order placed with standard shipping can take 2-10 business days for your order to be received. However, please note that using this delivery service does not guarantee delivery dates.
If an expedited shipping method is chosen your order will be prioritized before all other standard shipping orders and will ship usually within 24 hrs. Please be aware that weekends do not count as a transit day so if an order is shipped via Next Day delivery on Friday before 12 PM EST, it will arrive on Monday. We also have the right to choose whichever shipping method is efficient for us to get your order by the expected date even if it differs from the one that is selected. Please note that any areas that are considered "rural" could take an extra business day to arrive.
Shipping rates are as follows within the Continental United States:
FLAT RATE SHIPPING (Continental US) | |
Total | Ship Price |
$0 - $84.99 | $9.99 |
$85 and up | FREE |
We do NOT offer shipping to Hawaii and Alaska.
Perishable Items: All perishable products are ice packed, cryo-vacked, and packed in insulation. All perishables are shipped 2-3 day shipping, depending on your location. We do not charge extra for this shipping service. Orders over $85 ship for free, orders under $84.99 ship for $9.99, even if we have to use 2nd day air. In the spring and summer months, we use dry ice for our soft cheeses and caviar products.
Dry ice is used to protect perishable products such as cheese and caviar during the shipping process by maintaining a consistent low temperature. Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2) and has a temperature of -109.3°F (-78.5°C). It is extremely cold and can be used to freeze or cool products to prevent them from spoiling during transportation.
When dry ice is placed in a container with perishable products, it sublimates, or changes from a solid to a gas, which creates a cooling effect. The dry ice keeps the temperature in the container low, slowing down the growth of microorganisms and preserving the freshness of the products. As it sublimates, it also creates a carbon dioxide atmosphere which can help to slow down the oxidation of the products and preserve the taste and texture.
Returns Policy
We take the policy of "the customer is always right" to another level. If anyone is not happy with their order for any reason, we will work with the customer to fix the problem. Sometimes this means a partial refund, full refund, and/or replacement. Here at Supermarketitaly, we promise that every customer will be happy with their experience.
We 100% guarantee that all our products, perishable and non-perishable, will arrive in the best quality and conditions. Any items you deem unsatisfactory due to damage or freshness can be sent back with a full refund including shipping costs. However, please note there is a 30 day return policy since we want to ensure that any returns are still returned fresh.
Please do not discard any items you wish to file a complaint about and please refrigerate any perishable goods until we can properly respond and instruct as to the next steps.
Please contact us first about your complaint to get approval before returning any item. If an incorrect address has been submitted to us the customer will be held liable if their order is returned back to us. If this situation occurs the order will be processed as a return and the order will be refunded minus the shipping cost and a 15% restocking fee. Any perishable orders that have been damaged because of a return will not be refunded. Please be attentive when your orders go out and be sure to always track your package as it ships.