Food Blog

8 Modern Twists on Traditional Italian Recipes
Traditional Italian recipes are beloved for a reason, but the future of food trends is about creativity and innovation. Globalization also means th...

10 Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes to Make You Forget About Turkey
Every vegetarian and vegan faces the same question every year: What do you eat on Thanksgiving if you can’t eat turkey? These 10 vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes give a satisfying answer.

Grilled Polenta with Spinach and Cheese Recipe
A staple of Italian
cuisine, polenta is a simple and easy way to add a touch of gourmet to your typical
eggs-and-bacon brunch fare. In this recipe, starchy and satisfying polenta
squares are grilled until crisp, and then complemented with a bed of sautéed
spinach seasoned with garlic and red pepper. It all comes together with robiola
cheese, a well-balanced [...]