332 products
What is Cuttlefish Ink?
Jet black and deliciously salty, cuttlefish ink is a seafood product that can enhance many dishes. Made by collecting cuttlefish, octopus, or squid ink, this condiment goes beautifully with pasta noodles and seafood such as white fish, clams, and mussels. Enjoy using squid ink in a tangy pasta salad, mixed with rice, or in a rich vinaigrette.
Squid Ink Pasta
You can use cuttlefish ink to flavor plain pasta noodles, but there are also varieties of pasta with the squid ink already mixed in. Brands such as Morelli, Pirro, and Rustichella D’abruzzo all craft squid ink pasta from scratch. The dramatic coloring and salty flavor makes squid ink pasta a restaurant favorite.