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Brioschi Lemon Flavored Effervescent is Italy's most trusted product for upset stomach, acid indigestion, and heart burn.
Nothing ruins a satisfying meal like heartburn and indigestion. Whether you’re enjoying Italian food or another type of cuisine, always be prepared for an upset stomach with this Italian Effervescent, a powerful antacid that soothes and relieves.
Brioschi antacid is made from natural minerals, which makes it safe and effective for after-dinner stomach issues. It reduces acid with sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, which is made from white crystalline solids. Along with aiding digestive problems, sodium bicarbonate may also help combat autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. In a 2018 study, researchers at Augusta College in Georgia found that a daily dose of baking soda helps promote an anti-inflammatory environment by triggering the spleen to make more stomach acid.
The History Behind the Super-Fast Acting Digestive aid known as Brioschi Effervescent
The story of Brioschi began in 1907 when a chemical-pharmaceutical entrepreneur named Achille Antonio Brioschi started the small-scale manufacturing of a white powder that made water instantly bubbly and refreshing. Later marketed as a medicinal antacid, Brioschi sodium bicarbonate powder became the company’s signature product. Today, this popular lemon flavored beverage mix still uses the original formula.
How to Use Brioschi as a Natural Stomach Remedy after a Large Meal
Brioschi effervescent antacid granules are easy to use to relieve heartburn acid indigestion. Simply dissolve the recommended dosage into an 8 oz glass of water and get ready to transform ordinary tap water into sparkling mineral water. You can also add a splash of fruit juice for added flavor. Before you drink it, wait until the powder has completely dissolved, which takes about 10 seconds or longer if you’re using cold water. Along with aiding digestion after a large meal, this crisp and refreshing drink also makes a wonderful palate cleanser.
How does Brioschi work so well?
The active ingredient is sodium bicarbonate, which is a type of alkali that neutralizes stomach acid. When Brioschi is dissolved in water, the sodium bicarbonate reacts with the water to produce carbon dioxide gas, which creates the effervescence. This carbon dioxide gas helps to distribute the sodium bicarbonate throughout the stomach and neutralize stomach acid. It also includes citric acid and tartaric acid which are used to increase the solubility of the active ingredient and also enhance the effervescent effect. Additionally, it includes ingredients such as sugar, glucose, and artificial sweetener that gives it a pleasant taste. Overall, the effervescence and alkali properties of the sodium bicarbonate in Brioschi are what make it effective in neutralizing stomach acid and relieving symptoms of indigestion.
Where to buy Brioschi Effervescent for Upset Stomach, Indigestion and Heartburn relief
At Supermarket Italy, we feature everything you need for enjoying Italian cuisine, including this Original brand, Italy’s antacid of choice. With their trademark blue bottle in your medicine cabinet, you can rest assured that relief is only minutes away.
Compare Brioschi Effervescent to other antacids such as Tums, Alka-Seltzer, and Pepcid
Brioschi does not contain any medicine which is why it stands out among other antacid brands and digestive aids because it has only one active ingredient: Sodium Bicarbonate. For over 10 decades this lemon flavored effervescent has given countless people relief from upset stomach and acid indigestion. They now don't have to suffer from digestive problems.