17 products
Exploring Swedish Food
The Scandinavian nation of Sweden is probably most known around the world for its national dish: Swedish meatballs. (Yes, the IKEA Swedish meatballs.) Served with mashed potatoes, lingonberry jam, and coated in brown sauce, it is the country’s most recognizable meal. However, there is more to Swedish cuisine than that! Because of their extensive coastline, Swedish food also relies on seafood. As in other Scandinavian countries, pickled herring and other preserved fish are popular here. Shrimp is another favorite, often heaped on sandwiches like räksmörgås, with boiled eggs, lettuce, tomato and cucumber.
The Famous Lingonberry Jam
Lingonberry jam is one of Sweden’s most iconic foods. It is served with Swedish meatballs, pancakes, blodpudding (black pudding sausage), and countless other dishes, both sweet and savory. Picking wild lingonberries is even part of many Swedes’ upbringings! You can find lingonberry jam from Sweden right here at Supermarket Italy.
Swedish Desserts
Sweden takes their desserts seriously! October 4 is Cinnamon Bun Day, March 25 is Waffle Day, and November 6 is King Gustavus Adolphus Day, when Swedes celebrate their historic monarch by eating creamy sponge cake with his chocolate silhouette on top!